Indoor Plants. Deliverance, Maintenance and Rent.

Admiral Semmes Native Azalea – 3 Gallon

‘Admiral Semmes’ is one of the most heat and humidity tolerant of the highly sought-after Confederate Series Native Azaleas, and in our experience is the easiest to grow.

In addition to being a very sturdy and hardy shrub that can tolerate the extremes of the South, Admiral Semmes produces abundant clusters of extremely fragrant, yellow blooms. The clusters of large, honeysuckle-like blooms appear in spring as new growth begins to emerge. Very lustrous dark green leaves turn orange-bronze in fall. The handsome leaves are exceptionally mildew-free.

While some native azaleas grow into small trees, Admiral Semmes is more of a shrub form that grows to about 5 feet in height with an equal width.

Admiral Raphael Semmes was the skipper of the CSS Alabama and he still holds the record for the number of enemy ships sunk or captured. Semmes Alabama is named for this Admiral.

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‘Admiral Semmes’ is one of the most heat and humidity tolerant of the highly sought-after Confederate Series Native Azaleas, and in our experience is the easiest to grow.

In addition to being a very sturdy and hardy shrub that can tolerate the extremes of the South, Admiral Semmes produces abundant clusters of extremely fragrant, yellow blooms. The clusters of large, honeysuckle-like blooms appear in spring as new growth begins to emerge. Very lustrous dark green leaves turn orange-bronze in fall. The handsome leaves are exceptionally mildew-free.

While some native azaleas grow into small trees, Admiral Semmes is more of a shrub form that grows to about 5 feet in height with an equal width.

Admiral Raphael Semmes was the skipper of the CSS Alabama and he still holds the record for the number of enemy ships sunk or captured. Semmes Alabama is named for this Admiral.


Admiral Semmes Native Azalea is very easy to grow in moist but well-drained, humus-rich soil and dappled shade or morning sun with afternoon shade. Once established it is quite drought tolerant, requiring supplemental water only during prolonged periods of dry summer weather. Native azaleas are very low-maintenance, requiring little if any pruning. That said, occasionally we might prune a stray branch that is growing way outside the natural form of the plant, but not so much that it would spoil the natural form of this beautiful shrub.


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