Indoor Plants. Deliverance, Maintenance and Rent.

Green Giant Thuja – 3 Gallon

The Thuja Green Giant quickly gives you a lush, rich privacy screen. And it comes with a ton of perks:

  • It grows up to 3 to 5 feet each year.
  • Thuja delivers dark green foliage year-round.
  • The Green Giant blocks noise, neighbors, and unsightly views while taking very little space.
  • And it’s cheaper than a traditional fence.
Category: Tags: , , , Product ID: 1176


The Thuja Green Giant quickly gives you a lush, rich privacy screen. And it comes with a ton of perks:

  • It grows up to 3 to 5 feet each year.
  • Thuja delivers dark green foliage year-round.
  • The Green Giant blocks noise, neighbors, and unsightly views while taking very little space.
  • And it’s cheaper than a traditional fence.


This is a large landscape tree and as such, requires a bit of planning before planting. First, measure the area where you would like to plant your hedge or row. You will need the length of the area of planting to estimate the number of trees you need.

When planting, dig a hole for each tree that is three times as wide as the root ball but just as deep. You don’t need to add anything to the planting hole. Place the tree, fill in around the tree with the same soil you took out when initially digging the hole. Finally, tamp down as you fill to cut back on any air pockets from forming, water the tree, then mulch to conserve moisture.

Light: Can grow in a range from full sun to partial shade. They need at least four hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight per day.


For the first two weeks, water your new tree every other day by holding a hose around it and counting to 20. If you don’t have a hose, 2 large watering cans full of water will do (smaller trees may only need a light soaking so a single can may suffice).

During the second two weeks, switch to watering every three days with the same method mentioned above. After the first month, water once a week unless it is dry and hot (no rain and temperatures above 80 degrees). If it is hot and dry, water it twice a week. After the first six months, the trees will be established and won’t need any extra water. Your natural rainfall should be sufficient at this stage.


Your Thuja should not need any extra fertilizer unless your entire lawn and garden have problems and needs regular fertilizing. Apply a balanced tree and shrub fertilizer at the beginning of spring.


You won’t have to prune this tree if you are growing it with enough space for it to maintain its naturally graceful pyramid shape. If you’re growing several close together as a hedge, you can shear the plants yearly after the final frost.


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