Indoor Plants. Deliverance, Maintenance and Rent.

Leyland Cypress – 1 Gallon

Reaching impressive heights of 40 to 60 feet, the Leyland Cypress Tree is an ideal privacy screen. With dense, soft, deep green foliage and an elegant cone shape, this naturally fast-growing tree will have your yard finished in no time, thanks to an incredible growth rate of 3-5 feet each year.

  • Thick foliage ensures a dense screen for any space around your home.
  • This hardy tree will stay green and strong down to temperatures as low as 0 degrees.
  • Doesn’t require pruning, unless you’d like to shape it as a hedge.
Category: Tags: , , , , , Product ID: 1182


Reaching impressive heights of 40 to 60 feet, the Leyland Cypress Tree is an ideal privacy screen. With dense, soft, deep green foliage and an elegant cone shape, this naturally fast-growing tree will have your yard finished in no time, thanks to an incredible growth rate of 3-5 feet each year.

  • Thick foliage ensures a dense screen for any space around your home.
  • This hardy tree will stay green and strong down to temperatures as low as 0 degrees.
  • Doesn’t require pruning, unless you’d like to shape it as a hedge.

Additional information


1 gallon, 3 gallon


Leyland Cypresses grow to heights of 50 feet with a canopy that can spread out to about 25 feet. If you want a taller hedge, screen, or windbreak, young trees should be spaced at least 25 feet apart. If you’re growing a hedge, a space of 8 to 10 feet between trees is ideal. It will take about five to seven years for the space between the trees to fill.

To plant a Leyland Cypress, dig a planting hole twice the size of the root ball and as deep as the soil in the container. Center the tree in the planting hole and backfill with soil. Create a watering ring around the perimeter of the planting hole (this helps divert water to the outer roots). Mulch with at least three inches of compost or pulverized bark.

LIGHT: Leyland Cypresses grow best in full sun (at least six hours of sunlight daily).


Water your Leyland Cypress with at least an inch of water per week, keeping the soil moist but not oversaturated – generally, we recommend letting a garden hose run for about 1 to 3 minutes per week, depending on your soil. The deeper you water the tree, the better the tree will grow.

If you’re not sure when to water, simply check the surrounding soil about 3 inches down – if the soil is dry here, it’s time to water.


If your Leyland Cypress needs fertilizer at all, it should be fertilized with a shrub and tree fertilizer, unless a soil test shows that nutrients are low or missing. If the soil is missing or low on nutrients, use a nutrient-specific fertilizer.


These trees require very little pruning. You may want to consider pruning if you are using them as a hedge; however, for the most part, they require little to no pruning.


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